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The World of Mascots

Writer: bro_oklynbro_oklyn

Updated: May 8, 2021

They are doing anything but "Living the Dream"

“Mascots” is a 2D tragic/comedy cartoon-based episodic series. It is about a group of three friends: Craig, Nancy, and Sam, who are all living in the small town in Northern Ontario, called Eugene - in search of their big break while working in “the biz” as Kids show mascots on the one public access channel. The show is called "Uncle Ray & Friends Super-Duper Fun Times Show". These three characters are support-cast members for the show, dressed up as different characters, as well as taking on some production responsibilities. Each episode follows these characters, with a focus on one or two interconnected character crises/episodes. We follow them through their collective misery, combing through the want-ads, as they search for their big break, and a ticket outta this armpit, they currently call home.

Meet the characters!

(in order of left to right)

You have Ray. Ray is a producer, director, host, craft services, and key grip. He owns the pie shop/ taxidermy business. He is lazy, sleazy, and thinks quite highly of himself. He is an old fart.

Then you have Marjorie. She is the station and building owner. She is a widow. Marjorie owns most of the town. Fun fact, her late husband was a real turd. Marjorie is a sweet older woman who tries to dress up like the young people these days to stay "hip". She is a social butterfly, an extrovert, and bakes very well. Don't mess with her.

There is cool kid Craig. He is a theatre program graduate, he works part-time at the restaurant as a line cook who does dishes and is the bus-boy. He tries to act cool, mature, and too good for everything. He has the "bad boy" vibes. Craig is trying to get out of town and leave this dump. He wants to make it "big" in the acting business.

Sam is quiet, chill, and vibes with anyone and anything. Sam is a theatre program graduate. Sam was short a gen-ed credit so did not make it... Sam works part-time at the hardware store/adult shop. (Sam was only hired because of their past electrical experience and can repair dildos/drills – a big perk for management). Sam may not look like it, but Sam is surprisingly knowledgeable and wise.

Lastly, we have Nancy. Young Nancy is a theatre program graduate, where she works part-time at the restaurant as a server. She is dorky, geeky, and quiet. She wants to be loud and extroverted but is just too... uptight. She has a secret crush on Craig.

"Uncle Ray & Friends Super-Duper Fun Times Show"

Craig plays Kit the Cat. Craig thinks he's too manly and cool for this costume and loathes it with great passion. He does not like the color pink. He thinks the mascot head wrecks his perfect hair (he puts hours into styling). He also paints the sets and props.

Sam plays Dug the Dog. Sam does the electrical work and produces the graphics and commercials. Sam is too chill to care that their costume is falling apart and barely hanging on. Sam just wants money.

Nancy plays Iggy the Iguana. She loves this costume as it feeds into her need to be cool, extroverted, and noticeable (like Craig). She hopes Craig will notice her someday. Her costume is the total opposite of her real personality. Nancy also takes on the key grip role.

Mascots World Building

Take a look into the world of the 2D cartoon "Mascots". These are the props that will be seen in the studio during filming, as well as the props that are lying around in Craig, Sam, and Nancy's shared rundown apartment.

Welcome to Eugene

Here is where the crew goes to film, work and spend most of their days sweating, crying, and working to death. An interior optical 2-point perspective on the set of the filming studio. Viewers can see the live area (stage) where it is lit brightly and the set is vibrant but shoddy and cheap looking. The audience seating has a mix of gaudy vibrant red fold-up chairs and strewn props. Try guessing the number of empty coffee cups and duct tape lying around in the scene. The studio certainly reflects the characters' finances.

Here is an exterior shot for those just entering the quiet, isolated town of Eugene! Be prepared for Sexy Dogs' questionable food and be prepared for possible food poisoning and/or strange bowel movements.

Outside of the Studio, Craig, Nancy and Sam are taking their much needed "smoke" break on their usual broken-down red couch (they three don't smoke, but enjoy the smell of others smoking). Right across from the Studio Ray's Famous: Meat pies & taxidermy sign is proudly displayed. The scene is set during a cold winter night, there's snow on the ground with slight flurries. Craig, Nancy and Sam are definitely ready to go home.

After Craig, Nancy and Sam record the show, all three characters are relaxing at home in their small dingy apartment. Nancy is sitting sideways on the arm-chair (on her phone) after knitting a homemade bra while Craig and Sam are both slouched on the couch watching a Romper room re-runs. It's one of the only channels they get sadly. There is an empty pizza box on the couch, a butt mug and an octopus bong on the coffee table, and a few beer bottles lying around as well. Sam is eating hummus right out of the container and Craig looks super grossed out while judging Sam. The interior colours are drab and earthy, very little colour. The mascot costumes are piled in the corner of the room and being completely ignored until tomorrow.

Rendered Perspective

Here is a different outlook on some of the scenes and illustrations with a more rendered/painterly art style.

Behind The Scenes

Take a peek behind the scenes of the 2D cartoon "Mascots" world. These are the rough process ideations that brought the finalized illustrations to what they are now.


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