"Purpose is to 'undefine' art...
to create nothing into something."
- bro_oklyn
Hi there!
I'm a Canadian visual development illustrator. I specialize in world-building, character designs, environments, and concept art. I always had a knack for drawing art that is considered quirky and different with a side of creepy. My passion is for black and white, detailed line art.
I love creating my own worlds and allowing my imagination to run wild, with no limitations. I love creating art that evokes emotions, whether it be wonder or discomfort. Imagining stories filled with fantastical creatures, dark monsters, and as my motto goes "creating nothing into something... to undefine art".
I studied for three years at Seneca College and completed a diploma in Illustration and a graduate certificate in Art Fundamentals. My work has been shown in the Our Actions Matter Art Exhibit.
I do freelance work. If you have any inquiries or interests, you can contact me through e-mail or CONTACT
Fun Fact: I originally wanted to be a graphic designer before becoming an illustrator and I have graphic design experience. I also have an interest in tattoo art.